AudioSettingsFragment |
A preference fragment for audio settings, with a custom style and a button.
AudioSettingsFragmentDirections |
EndLevelDialogFragment |
Creates a dialog that pops up at the end of the level (in Learn mode) or game (in Challenge
EndLevelDialogFragmentArgs |
EndLevelDialogFragmentArgs.Builder |
GameFragment |
The GameFragment is where the gameplay takes place, for both Learn and Challenge modes.
GameFragmentArgs |
GameFragmentArgs.Builder |
GameFragmentDirections |
GameFragmentDirections.OpenEndLevelDialog |
GameFragmentDirections.OpenScaleDialog |
HighScoreFragment |
Allows the user to view high scores from Challenge mode from a RecyclerView.
HighScoreFragmentDirections |
LoginActivity |
The launcher activity that allows the user to sign in with Google Sign In.
MainActivity |
The main activity hosts all of the fragments needed for navigation.
PauseDialogFragment |
Creates a dialog that pops up when the player presses the pause button.
PauseDialogFragmentDirections |
ScaleDialogFragment |
Creates a dialog that pops up at the beginning of each scale level to show the notes of the scale
for reference.
ScaleDialogFragmentArgs |
ScaleDialogFragmentArgs.Builder |
ScaleSelectFragment |
Allows the user to select a scale from a RecyclerView for Learn mode.
ScaleSelectFragmentDirections |
ScaleSelectFragmentDirections.OpenLearnModeGame |
SettingsFragment |
Contains options for audio and speed settings and high scores.
SettingsFragmentDirections |
SpeedSettingsFragment |
A preference fragment for the speed of the sidescroller in Learn mode, with a custom style and a
SpeedSettingsFragmentDirections |
TitleFragment |
The title fragment is the main navigational hub, and allows the user to select different game
modes, go to settings, or logout.
TitleFragmentDirections |
TitleFragmentDirections.OpenChallengeModeGame |