Class ScaleChallengeAttempt

  • public class ScaleChallengeAttempt
    extends Object
    An associative entity that aids in the many-to-many relationship between ChallengeAttempt and Scale. Also holds a timestamp for each particular Scale within the ChallengeAttempt.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScaleChallengeAttempt

        public ScaleChallengeAttempt()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public long getId()
        Returns the auto-generated id for the associative entity.
        The id.
      • setId

        public void setId​(long id)
        Sets the auto-generated id for the associative entity.
        id - The id to be set.
      • getAttemptId

        public long getAttemptId()
        Returns the id of the ChallengeAttempt foreign key.
        The id of the challenge attempt.
      • setAttemptId

        public void setAttemptId​(long attemptId)
        Sets the id of the ChallengeAttempt foreign key.
        attemptId - The id of the ChallengeAttempt foreign key.
      • getScaleId

        public long getScaleId()
        Returns the id of the Scale foreign key.
        The id of the scale.
      • setScaleId

        public void setScaleId​(long scaleId)
        Sets the id of the Scale foreign key.
        scaleId - The id of the Scale foreign key.
      • getTimestamp

        public Date getTimestamp()
        Returns the timestamp when the associative entity was created.
        The timestamp.
      • setTimestamp

        public void setTimestamp​(@NonNull
                                 Date timestamp)
        Sets the timestamp when the associative entity was created.
        timestamp - The timestamp when this entity was created.