ChallengeAttemptRepository |
ChallengeAttemptRepository contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above the
ChallengeAttemptDao , and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of
GoogleSignInService |
The GoogleSignInService class provides methods that allow the app to use Google Sign In to get
user information and to associate users with players in the database.
LearnLevelAttemptRepository |
LearnLevelAttemptRepository contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above
the LearnLevelAttemptDao , and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of
PlayerRepository |
PlayerRepository contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above the PlayerDao , and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of players.
ScaleChallengeAttemptRepository |
ScaleChallengeAttemptRepository contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction
above the ScaleChallengeAttemptDao , and allows for creation, reading, updating, and
deleting of attempts.
ScaleRepository |
ScaleRepository contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above the ScaleDao , and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of attempts.
ScaleScrollerDatabase |
The ScaleScroller Database provides abstract methods that return the DAOs for each entity.
ScaleScrollerDatabase.Callback |
Overrides onCreate to populate the database with scales.
ScaleScrollerDatabase.Converters |
Provides type converters to translate Java objects into data that can be stored in the SQLite