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Collect coins, earn points, and learn scales!

User Persona


Camilla Bower

User Story:

As a 9-year-old taking piano lessons, my teacher quizzes me about key signatures and scales, but I always get them wrong and we spend a long time talking about them in each lesson. It’s boringgggg. This app helps teach me my scales in learn mode, so we can spend more of my lesson time playing piano!

Use Case:

Title: The Ab Major scale

Description: Learning the notes that make up the Ab Major scale and practicing that knowledge.

Name of user & their role: Camilla, a young student who wants to get better at her scales.

Usage Preconditions: Camilla has the app installed on her phone, and her parents have logged her in previously with GoogleSignIn.

Usage post conditions: Camilla passed the level without losing any lives, and flaunts it over her father (who lost a life trying to pass an easier level).

Interaction Flow:

Frequency of Use: Every day

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