User Persona
Camilla Bower
Age: 9
Occupation: student
Phone: Samsung Galaxy J3 (with Kids Mode enabled)
Personality: Confident, competitive, curious, daddy’s girl
Just started learning piano 4 months ago, and is progressing faster than her teacher expected. Wants to get even better.
Wants to spend all of the lesson time playing instead of talking so much.
Wants to do everything her father does.
She is able to physically play all the scales her teacher has taught her, but has trouble remembering the note names.
Her teacher spends a lot of the lesson just talking about scales and music theory, but she just wants to play!
User Story:
As a 9-year-old taking piano lessons, my teacher quizzes me about key signatures and scales, but I always get them wrong and we spend a long time talking about them in each lesson. It’s boringgggg. This app helps teach me my scales in learn mode, so we can spend more of my lesson time playing piano!
Use Case:
Title: The Ab Major scale
Description: Learning the notes that make up the Ab Major scale and practicing that knowledge.
Name of user & their role: Camilla, a young student who wants to get better at her scales.
Usage Preconditions: Camilla has the app installed on her phone, and her parents have logged her in previously with GoogleSignIn.
Usage post conditions: Camilla passed the level without losing any lives, and flaunts it over her father (who lost a life trying to pass an easier level).
Interaction Flow:
Camilla opens the app.
Camilla clicks on Learn Mode and is taken to a screen with all of the possible scales.
Camilla has beaten several levels, so some scale selections are accessible while some are grayed out. She picks the Ab Major scale, which will unlock the next level if passed.
The title and notes of the scale are shown on screen for a few seconds, and then the scroller begins.
Camilla controls her character to move up and down, collecting the coins that correspond to notes of the Ab Major scale.
Camilla makes it through the whole level without losing any lives, and is congratulated.
The app returns back to the scale-select screen, and the button for B Major is now available.
Camilla takes her phone to her dad and shows him her results before closing the app.
Frequency of Use: Every day