Intended users
Someone who wants to learn the basics of music theory
I’m an adult who has never studied written music before, but I would like to learn. The learn mode of this app gradually teaches me scales in the form of a fun game, so I don’t get bored with rote memorization.
As a 9-year-old taking piano lessons, my teacher quizzes me about key signatures and scales, but I always get them wrong and we spend a long time talking about them in each lesson. It’s boringgggg. This app helps teach me my scales in learn mode, so we can spend more of my lesson time playing piano!
Someone who needs to practice their music theory knowledge
I’m a high-school student who knows most of my scales, but there are some that take me a long time to figure out. The challenge mode of this app helps me to make sure my knowledge of all scales is up to speed.
As a Theory 1 student at UND, my professor expects me to be able to write out scales very quickly, with complete accuracy. The challenge mode of this app lets me practice multiple different scales and gives me immediate feedback on the wrong notes - and my grade has already started going up!