User Persona
Catey Rose Henderson
Age: 17
Occupation: high-school student and flautist
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus
Personality: Creative, independent, curious, high-achiever
Wants to be really proficient with her scales.
A typical teenager, she is basically addicted to her phone - but she is self-aware, and tries to pack her phone with apps that help her learn/improve herself.
She is frustrated that her knowledge of scales is spotty - some scales are very easy and fast to figure out, while others take a long time.
She is frustrated by the lack of fun music apps for her phone.
User Story:
I’m a high-school student who knows most of my scales, but there are some that take me a long time to figure out. The challenge mode of this app helps me to make sure my knowledge of all scales is up to speed.
Use Case:
Title: Homework break
Description: Fitting in some scale practice as a break from math homework.
Name of user & their role: Catey Rose, a high-school student and flautist.
Usage Preconditions: Catey Rose has the app installed on her phone and has previously logged in.
Usage post conditions: Catey Rose has gotten some practice on random scales, and has had an enjoyable homework break.
Interaction Flow:
Catey Rose opens the app, and selects challenge mode.
The first random level is Gb major, and the name and notes of the scale appear on-screen for a few seconds.
The level starts, and Catey Rose beats the level without losing any lives.
The next random level is A harmonic minor, and again the scale information appears on-screen before the level starts.
With the slightly faster speed of this level, Catey Rose accidentally collects an F# coin and loses a life. The level ends, and the next random scale appears.
By the eighth scale level, the speed has gotten too fast, and Catey Rose has lost all three lives.
The screen shows her total score, which wasn’t enough to get her on her top 10 high-score ranking this time.
Catey Rose closes the app and goes back to math homework.
Frequency of Use: Every day