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Collect coins, earn points, and learn scales!

User Persona


David Trujillo

User Story:

As a Theory 1 student at UND, my professor expects me to be able to write out scales very quickly, with complete accuracy. The challenge mode of this app lets me practice multiple different scales and gives me immediate feedback on the wrong notes - and my grade has already started going up!

Use Case:

Title: Scale practice

Description: Trying to get a good enough score to get on the personal top 10 leaderboard again.

Name of user & their role: David, a music ed major at UND who has struggled with scales.

Usage Preconditions: David has the app installed on his phone, and has already logged in. He has played challenge mode before, and has already filled up the leaderboard with high scores.

Usage post conditions: David feels more confident, and has gotten some more practice on scales that were intimidating before.

Interaction Flow:

Frequency of Use: Twice a week

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